About us
Personally worldwide – since 1866.
NTG Gondrand Customs AG formerly Gondrand International AG, member of the NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S, offers a full range of worldwide transport and logistics services as well as customs clearance.
- 2019The customs activities of Gondrand International AG will be renamed in NTG Gondrand Customs AG..
- 2018Nordic Transport Group (NTG) takes over Swiss Gondrand Group
- 2016150 jubilee
- 2005Gondrand brand relaunched with new corporate identity
- 2001Asian subsidiary Go-Trans registered in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan
- 1990National companies set up in Czech Republic and Hungary after fall of Iron Curtain
- 1946Foundation of Traffic BV in Holland, today Gondrand Traffic BV
- 1919Company renamed to “Gondrand Frères” by the Gondrand brothers
- 1902Establishment of Gondrand Switzerland in Brig
- 1872Formation of Gondrand & Mangili in Germany, today ATEGE GmbH
- 1866Foundation of Gondrand in Milan (Italy) by the Gondrand brothers